Here you have Moonleaks Newsletters with a boiled down of what happened and a wishlist for the future. Join us in making this happen!

Noam Chomsky on activism and climate change. Paid Members Public
A few weeks ago, I had the immense pleasure and privilege of speaking with one of the most influential figures of our time, a personal hero and an icon for those who champion social justice: Noam Chomsky. I must admit, I was a bit nervous before the conversation began, but

Bye bye Moonleaks Paid Members Public
A bittersweet announcement Moonleaks will cease its publications soon

Ecocide can be the law that Earth needs to begin recovering. Paid Members Public
We talked with Jojo Mehta about Ecocide, a law that will forever change the relationship and accountability people, corporations, and governments have with planet Earth.

Extinction Rebellion takes over London Paid Members Public
Extinction Rebellion brought thousands of people to the streets of London, blocking roads, taking bridges, and making their demands clear. No more UK investments in fossil fuels was one of their demands.

Civil Disobedience for Climate Action Paid Members Public
A hunger strike is mainly used by those with no other form of protest to bring attention to a particular case or cause. This is the case of Angus, on his 30th day of hunger strike in front of the UK parliament.

Nuclear stopped being the number one risk of total annihilation Paid Members Public
Why would scientists want to publish the genome of the deadliest viruses online to be replicated in a lab? Anyone?

Nuclear armageddon and human presence in the world Paid Members Public
How will we face the climate crisis, the loss of biodiversity, and other crucial matters, with today's governments populated by madmen and selfish interests?

Minks for fur - Victories! Paid Members Public
Covid put an end to the most significant mink fur industry in the world, the Danish one. 2022 seems to be a decisive year.