Here you have Moonleaks Newsletters with a boiled down of what happened and a wishlist for the future. Join us in making this happen!

Plantilla de oposición al borrador de la Estrategia Nacional de Gestión Cinegética Paid Members Public
Si quieres ayudar a los perros de caza de España, ahora puedes hacerlo.

Highlights of 2021 Paid Members Public
These holidays are times to reflect on what we have achieved throughout the year. Today I will also give you my thoughts about how we can continue towards making this blog sustainable. Merry Christmas, and thank you for being a reader of my humble contributions.
Spain presents the draft of the new animal welfare law. Can this bill really happen? Paid Members Public
It was about time that Spain dared to review the law that contemplates and regulates animals. Accordingly, the Ministry of Social Affairs presented a draft of such a law, subject to modifications, that is progressive and, in my opinion, very encouraging.
Newsletter #4 Paid Members Public
A summary of what has been going on for the past weeks. Above all, we have been having interviews around animal welfare, dogs as therapists, and the protection of the hunting dogs in Spain.
Newsletter #3 Paid Members Public
It was about time that we had an audio format, right? Two weeks ago we launched our own podcast, a brand new experiment.

Newsletter #2 Paid Members Public
In this Newsletter, I bring you some remarkable housekeeping updates, a little bit of my behind the scene activist efforts to communicate our work, and two films that are worth watching.

An important step to protect all hunting dogs Paid Members Public
Hoy es un día importante para todos los perros de caza, especialmente para el galgo. Un día que marca el inicio de una nueva etapa en la lucha para que prácticas crueles y minoritarias como la caza con perros sean prohibidas
Newsletter #1 Paid Members Public
These two weeks have been hectic, and have taken me a bit away from writing and much closer to action. Let me tell you what has happened since February started, and how I see that finally one of the causes we work with, the plight of the galgo, is finding supporters among the lawmakers of Europe.