Yo Galgo
Yo Galgo is an award-winning documentary film about an invisible genocide taking place while the authorities look the other way. It’s an exposé of the sharp divide between animal rights and the traditions of a nation.

MoonLeaks opens up! Paid Members Public
MoonLeaks will be open from now on! There is something we must do together. We must stop the Spanish Government from taking all hunting and working dogs out of the animal welfare law.

El gobierno Español quiere excluir a los perros de caza de la Ley de Bienestar Animal Paid Members Public
Si tienen éxito la ley reducirá su protección solamente a "aquellos animales domésticos que viven en el domicilio familiar", algo que carece totalmente de fundamentación científica y jurídica

Should I drop the clothing brand for dogs? Paid Members Public
Should I give up the idea of a clothing brand for dogs? Setbacks do not easily defeat me, but I have tried everything, and perhaps finding a partner is what I need.
Animal Law, Insincere Promises and hidden contracts Paid Members Public
Today is the last day to present objections to a law that will redefine hunting as a cultural asset in Spain, and change the protection of wildlife forever.
Spain presents the draft of the new animal welfare law. Can this bill really happen? Paid Members Public
It was about time that Spain dared to review the law that contemplates and regulates animals. Accordingly, the Ministry of Social Affairs presented a draft of such a law, subject to modifications, that is progressive and, in my opinion, very encouraging.

#6 Podcast - Galgos as therapy dogs with Sherry Mangold Paid Members Public
Today's podcast shows us the power of animal companionship, and the possibilities that working with dogs bring to modern medicine.

#5 Podcast - Aza (F.B.M) Criminology, law, and prosecution of crimes in the galgo world. Paid Members Public
Aza studies criminology, and thanks to her direct experience, her understanding of the legal context, we could paint a clear image on this podcast of what can be improved in Spain in relation to the wellbeing of all hunting dogs there.

#4 Podcast - Español. Work with dogs, education, recovery, and the psychology of a galgo. Paid Members Public
Hoy hablo con Alberto Piña Rivero, un etólogo y educador de perros de la Fundación Benjamin Mehnert. You can also listen in English to the highlights of this conversation.